The installation of the app by means of the APK file requires the activation of the "Unknown sources" option within Settings>Applications.It will make an outstanding addition to your device. AdLock Can activate in: United States Check country restrictions Type: Key Version: GLOBAL AdLock for Windows is a convenient and fully adjustable adblocker that gives you a leg in saving traffic consumption, makes web pages load much faster, and safeguards your computer from malicious and unwanted content. It is undoubtedly a very useful and essential tool for blocking ads on mobile devices and offering safe navigation. On the other hand, it will also warn us if we try to access a dangerous website that could damage our PC. In addition to all these functions, this application helps us save data and battery power by blocking the loading of suspicious content. Prevents phishing attempts by blocking all unwanted suspicious requests This component provides a package of function filters by categories, such as communications, system, travel or business. With this option, you can protect your PC and your private data, as it checks that the URLs you are trying to access are safe and do not contain malware, blocking certain risks. You can also block advertising in apps and set exclusions and exceptions. Activate this function for fluid and ad-free navigation. From here, you can activate the app and consult the general data about its operation. This application is divided into four sections from where you can configure it and consult the statistics, blocked ads, and detected threats, among other details. From that point on, the app will automatically search for and block potential risks to your Android You will notice the difference as soon as it is installed. This tool works in the background, so you just have to enable its functions and forget about it. Surf the internet quickly, safely and without ads

The most functional ad blocker for Android phones. Just install the APK file on your Android, tap on the huge white button to activate it, and let it work its magic. But with apps like AdLock, we can block ads easily and effortlessly. They can be quite annoying and impede us from reading any web page comfortably. If anything abounds on the Internet, besides kitten videos, it is advertisements.